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Posted on: 09/01/22

Flashy websites look nice, but they can be slow to load. Sites with success keep their pages simple in order to allow visitors to find what they are looking for. Keep reading for some great tips and strategies on website design.

Avoid useless scripts. Scripts like counters and date/time scripts dont really serve any purpose, and since they are all JavaScript, can add a few kilobytes to the pages file size. Getting rid of these elements also frees up space on the homepage. Replace those useless scripts with useful content that keeps users coming back.

In the 1990s, many designers used frames when creating their websites. Dont do that. These flawed systems were popular in the past. For example, it is difficult to scroll with frames. There are easier ways to give seamless flow to your site.

A site that is going to be successful must work with all browsers. This is why it is vital that you test all your pages to ensure that they properly display in all the various browsers. A webpage that displays properly using Internet Explorer, could appear incorrectly or poorly on a different browser such as Firefox or Chrome. Monitor how the pages look in major browsers before taking your website live.

Check for broken links before publishing your web page. Visitors will be annoyed if they click on broken links. You can also check the links yourself or use a program to look.

Give your visitors the ability to search your site so that they can more easily find what they are looking for. If someone cannot find what they are looking for right away, their next thought will be to look for a search field. Put this somewhere obvious and include a search button.

Keep personal information handy in the event that it must be re-entered by a repeat visitor of your website. Saving data from one form to another, like username or email address, is imperative. Saving the users information in this way simplifies work for them, and is much appreciated by your website visitors.

Use a descriptive title. Many site owners forget to name their pages, or name them something generic, such as "Welcome Page." Search engines do use title descriptions in their rankings, so make sure you are as descriptive as possible, without going overboard. Make sure it is usable for your viewers and the search engines.

Dont overdo it with JavaScript. JavaScript is highly overrated because it can cause issues for some users. Every web browsers is different and they are constantly updating. Your goal is to have as many website visitors as possible. Also, not every person will keep JavaScript set up in their browsers. In either case, you are preventing your visitors from using all or some of the features of your website.

Regardless of your target crowd or your sites purpose, you always want to aim for a ten second loading time or better. This will make people want to stay on your site. Most online users crave instant gratification, so your success relies on providing it.

Creating a newsletter can help you get repeat visitors. When you allow people to receive notifications about special events, discounts or updates, they are more likely to visit your site multiple times. Stick the sign-up form in a spot thats out of the way, such as in a sidebar, and keep good records of those who sign up. Stay on the ethical path and only send newsletters to users who request them.

Clearly, even though flash makes a website very appealing in many ways, it can also be problematic in terms of download time. Knowing how to design a site simply, yet effective, is key to your online success. Using these tips will help you better your site immediately.

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